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Recipe Supplied by: Anne Reney-Smith
Serves: 4 People

175g salmon fillet, skinned
grated rind of 1 lemon
1 teasp lemon juice
1 egg white
125g smoked salmon
225 ml double cream,
¼ teasp black pepper

Place the skinned salmon fillet, lemon juice and rind and egg white, in a food blender and blend into a smooth puree.

Meanwhile lay slices of smoked salmon to line a 450 gm. pyrex loaf dish, reserving some to lay on the top of mousseline. Gradually blend the salmon puree into the double cream, season with black pepper to taste.

Pour the salmon mixture into the lined loaf dish, top with the remaining smoked salmon, cover with cling film, pierce, cook on HIGH power for 5-6 mins until the top of the mousseline is “tacky” but set.

Leave to cool in dish before turning out to slice and serve with salad leaves tossed in Special Honey Dressing.

3 tablesp wine vinegar, 3 tablesp olive oil, 1 tablsp balsamic vinegar, 1 small red chilli (de-seeded and finely chopped) 1 tablesp clear honey.
Place all the ingredients in a screw top jar and shake well, drizzle over salad leaves.
The dressing will keep in the refrigerator for 2 weeks.

Recipe is based on an 800 watt oven.

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