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Chicken Portuguese

Recipe Supplied by: Microwave Technologies Association
Serves: 2 People

125g chicken breast or thighs, (skinned and cut into 1 - 2 cm pieces)
50g ham, cut into 1 pieces or slices
2 spring onion, roughly chopped
1/4 of 1 yellow pepper, sliced and diced
75g canned tomatoes, chopped
1/4 chicken stock cube
1/2 teaspn mixed herbs
1 teaspn butter
1/2 crushed clove garlic
scant 1/4 teaspn French mustard ( optional)

Prepare the chicken, ham, spring onions and pepper, set aside.
Place the tomatoes, crumbled stock cube, mixed herbs, butter, crushed garlic and mustard (if using) into an oven proof dish or medium sized 'Zip and Steam' cook bag. Stir well, then stir in the chicken, ham and vegetables. Ensure that the meat and vegetables are well coated with the tomato sauce.
Place a lid on the dish or seal the cook-bag and cook on HIGH power for 5 minutes, stirring well or rearranging meat in bag after 2 minutes.
Leave to stand for 2 - 3 minutes, before turning out on to a warm serving plate. (May be while cooking 2 jacket potatoes)

Serve with jacket potatoes and a green vegetable or in a wrap.

This amount serves 2 people. Double the recipe for 4 people, and add an extra 2 minutes to the cooking time, stir well half way through the cooking time.

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