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Welcome to the
Microwave Technologies Association

The MTA:
Meet the Officers
Join The Association
For the Press
Our Mission
Microwave Cooking Times

Welcome to the new Microwave Technologies Association Website:
For the Press

Any members of the press wishing to obtain information on any aspects of microwave or microwave cooking should contact the Chairman: Jennipher Marshall Jenkinson on 01628 675 704 or by email or any other members listed below:

*Dasa (Domestic Appliance Service Association)
Phone: 08702 240 358,,
General enquires:, Secretary:

*Commercial Microwave Ovens: R H Hall, Hallco House, Beacon Court, Pitstone Green Business Park, Pitstone, Bedfordshire, LU7 9GY
Phone: 01296 663400,,

*Technical Information and Data: GAMA Microwave Technology Ltd.,
1 Montague Terrrace, Durham Road, Bromley, Kent, BR2 OSZ
Phone: 020 8466 1825 Fax: 0208 309 9222,